We’re collecting the questions we’ve received onto this page to help keep everyone informed on the clarifications.

1. Data Anomalies


Are data anomalies intentional?


The data anomalies reported by participants are intentional and part of the messiness of the data.

2. Interest Group and Business Definitions


What is the meaning of interestgroup in the Participants.csv? Does it mean a group of people with the same hobby or is it a concept related to economics? Also, what is the scope of the term “businesses”?


Sharing an interest group label does not directly imply an economic connection between two people (though it does not preclude one, either).

Regarding “businesses”, this covers all businesses about which data is available: employers (where participants earn money) and restaurants, pubs, etc. (where they spend it).

3. Location Coordinate System


Which coordinate system is used for the “location” mentioned in the dataset?


The coordinate system of the map is a Cartesian coordinate system, and the units are meters. Since the city is fictitious, there is no associated coordinate reference system (CRS) - you may simply project them as is.

4. Hosting the Answer Sheet


What are the requirements for hosting the answer sheet? We’d like to incorporate live visualizations using online resources.


We have two considerations:

Solutions following those guidelines are acceptable.

5. Explanation of rentAdjustment attribute


Could we get clarification on the the rentAdjustment attribute in the column category in the financialJournal.csv. We found a definition in the dictionary of “a string describing the expense category”, but rentAdjustment can come with positive number (Does it mean the one who receive rent adjustment are the property owner?).


Short answer: the amount of rent adjustment due to other agents’ moving in or out an apartment.

Long answer: Let’s assume that rent of apartment X is $1000/4weeks. If agent A rents X and does not share X, then A will pay $1000 upfront. After two weeks, if agent B moves in X, they B will pay $500, half of the total rent. In this case, A will receive $250 back, which is the rent adjustment. It can be the other way around. That is, when A moves out of X, then B needs to pay the rest of rent. In this case, we log the expense as NOT RentAdjustment but Shelter. For clarification, no one earns money from rent as a property owner.

6. Definition of “areas” for MC3


In the Mini Challenge 3 of the VAST challenge, what do you mean by “Do you notice any areas of particularly high or low turnover?”. Are the “areas” referring to geographical areas in the city or business areas (pubs, restaurants, etc.)?


Please consider the question in terms of business areas. Note that we will accept interpretations such as geographic areas as well, but we are particularly interested in the business areas.